Clarification on Minimum Requirements for Testing and Affiliation Claims

August 2023

Papercycle has issued the following statement to clarify its position on minimum requirements for testing, as well as addressing third party claims of affiliation.

Papercycle has been made aware of certain misconceptions about minimum requirements for product assessments and the testing procedures for various product types. CPI wants to clarify that the certification process does not impose any preconditions based on material composition. The online tool is structured to ensure an equitable and impartial evaluation for all fibre-based products.
Additionally, CPI has been alerted to instances where companies have claimed collaboration with Papercycle in the development of their products. We would like to emphasise that any such claims must be substantiated by a valid recyclability certificate which can only be issued by Papercycle. Without a valid certificate, we cannot verify whether or not a company has used Papercycle’s tools as part of their product development.
Papercycle has been well used since its launch in May and all products tested by the system need to meet certain criteria to be certified. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of its certification process and upholding the highest standards of certification. Papercycle takes false affiliation claims very seriously and will not hesitate to take appropriate action in such circumstances.
To verify any claims in relation to certification through Papercycle we urge you to seek evidence of a valid certificate.
You can find out more about the certification process at